Thursday 14 June 2012


It really hurts to see and hear that someone has been raped and come to think of it before you do such an inhumane thing do you ever think of the damage,torture and torment you are causing to that person or don't you have a conscience at all!please stop being barbarous,its not worth would you feel when your family member undergoes through the same?i bet you would kill the person who raped them,so why on earth are  you torturing other kids!the world is too fragile 4 your type and if you wont be judged here on earth then the almighty God will judge you.To my dear sisters let your be cautious n alert all the time.let us not insult,avoid or criticize those who were raped they have undergone through alot of traumatizing experience in place let us assist them to overcome their torture they are not to blame.lets join hands and stop rapists from hurting us.

                                                   WENDY MUNYAKHO
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