Monday 4 June 2012

Heart brocken?Here is what to do..

Love is a risk and a great one for that matter,you aint sure what will happen the next minute but it is an experience we have to pass through but if you are not happy and comfy in any relationship,better call it quits.Hurts but you are worth more than that and you mite think you don't have the strength to move on but only realize how strong you are when that is the only option left, and more so God gives us strength to face anything.
But don't hate any one who hurts because if u do, you will be giving them power to control your life.
As it comes don't dwell on the past ,
its over you cant redo and don't be so worried about the future,
let it come,leave, leave the present, and have fun while it lasts,
remember everything happens for a reason.
                  WENDY MUNYAKHO.

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