Thursday 17 May 2012


House speaker Kenneth Marende, his assistand Farah Maalim and the four temporary speakers stand to earn more money in parliment if the new bill that seeks to revise MPs allowances passes
The former speaker Francis Ole Kaparo, his assistand David Musila and former members of speakers panel will also benefit from this plan if the statute law passes.
The bill which was initiated by land's Ministre James Orengo draw special allowances by vartue of status in parliament.The speaker Kenneth Marende is entittled an allowance of Ksh 20000 on every sitting he chares, his deputy Farah Maalim is entittled to Ksh 15000 while the temporary speakers are entittled to an allowance of  Ksh 12500 whenever they step in for the or deputy speaker
However the Prime Minister Railla Odinga has written to the Attorney General  to withdraw the bill saying that it is unconstitutional.

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